Click here for over-the-air audio from
W8QBG on the Bauer 707 describing his ART-13 mods and other hardware
subjects. (Recorded 0730MST, 10-Sep-2006, in Glendale
AZ, ~1.5 Meg)
Studio A, Left -
FT-1000 with homebrew
and vintage linear amplifiers
Studio A, Right
- FT-1000's , HB linear
running a pair of 4-1000's GG
Studio A -
Closet Radio, when an
instant AM 'fix' is needed
Studio B, Bench
- Calibrating and
aligning a T-368 VFO/Exciter
Studio B -
BC-610 #2
Studio B -
Recently rescued
and restored T-368 (with George)
Studio B -
Master Control
George with
BC-610 #1 and HB Speech Amp
Studio B Right
showing Apaches used
as exciters
The 160-meter
RCA BTA-250M ex-BC Xmtr
gazes out serenely over Studio B
Tower 1 showing
HF beams and
ladder-line-fed dipoles
Another view
of Tower 1 with
Tower 2 in the background