W7UO - Wes
Arivaca, Arizona
Welcome to Ham Radio Heaven! As you'll see Wes has
quite an impressive installation. He and his wife Darlene (KD7DOJ
) are very nice people, so if you hear them on the air be sure to give
a call.
Click on an image to view a larger version
At the left is Wes with his Gates BC-1G and T-368
Next is his Collins SSB station.
Third from left is Wes at the AM operating position. Note the Gates
Gatesway 80 audio console.
And at the right is Wes with his Homebrew balanced tuner. He uses it to
match the 6" open-wire feedline.
These are photographs
of Wes' Log Periodic, which covers 6 - 32 MHz. The antenna is
mounted atop a 100 foot self supporting tower.
Here is his Folded
Unipole. It is a 195 ft. tower guyed with sections of
Phillystran. The antenna has 1/4 wavelength buried radials around
The copyrights to all images on this page are held by W7UO and
may not be used without permission.
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