N 7 G V
These are photographs of the portable operation that
the Green Valley Amateur Radio Club runs each year in April from the
only remaining TITAN II Missile Site. If you remember the "Cold War",
then you remember ICBM's (Inter-Continental Ballistic Missiles). This
is the only TITAN II site which was not destroyed as a result of the
SALT II Treaty.
GVARC runs the special event station to bring
attention to the fact that, although not operational, the TITAN II Missile Museum is the last of its kind.
Bud, W8SXX is the main organizer of the N7GV
special event station.
Barry, N7SEP has been a major supporter of the
special event station for many years now.
The Discage antenna. It covers 2 to 30 mHz.
Wally, Bud, Barry
Here is a LINK to a neat TITAN II Site.
And here is another.
And another.
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