Corona de Tucson, AZ
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Arizona AM Page
This recently acquired BC-610E transmitter is now giving excellent, reliable service on 160 and 80 meters. The Meissner Signal Shifter VFO, a piece of radio history itself, is a necessity due to the well-known hum problem with the 610's internal VFO/Exciter. |
A well-restored Collins 75A-4 has become the vintage receiver of choice and nicely complements its 'modern' counterparts. |
Here are some photos of the latest projects: My new (to me) Kenwood TS-520S that works very well and sounds better than my modern DSP Icom transceiver. |
The WW2 command transmitter (BC-459-A) with homebrew power supply. I key the relays in it and it has a "unique" sound. |
The power line input voltage here is running 121 / 122 VAC so I built a "bucking transformer" converter to bring it to 115 - 116 VAC. ( a 6.3 VAC filament transformer wired in "bucking" mode.) My very old stuff (like my 1937 SX-15) runs much better. |
Dave writes: |
. Here are photos of my "new" Sky Challenger. Please note that it has been re-capped. |
Here are my helpers mornings on 40 meters AM/CW. That's Portia on the transmitter and Chipper on the file cabinet. Transmitter is one of two Johnson Vikings at AJ7O; receiver is a Hammarlund HQ-160 previously owned by K7BDY(sk). |
Dave writes: This photo shows my vintage AM and CW station. The receiver is a 1945 National HRO-5RA1 or a Drake 2-B. The transmitter is a 1950's Johnson Viking 2 . I use an N3ZI DDS VFO (on top of the transmitter) with my Viking because it is stable and accurate. The keyer is a MFJ-422B / Bencher paddle. The mic. is an old Astatic D -104. There is also a homebrew SWR meter on top of the Viking. My antenna is a 40 meter inverted vee (only 30 ft. high) fed with ladder line and tuned to 40 through 10 meters with a MFJ-969 tuner into a 1:4 current balun to the balanced feed line. |
My kitten Freddy really enjoys CW because he likes to play with my fingers and the paddle as I send and is soothed by the sound of the code coming in. He always helps me work on my old gear as you can see in this photo. I was first licensed in 1953 as WN9ZQC in the Chicago area and became W9ZQC upon earning my General Class license in 1954. After moving to Southern California in 1960 I was issued WA6MGO and then in 1963 because I had the Extra Class license I was issued W6FTQ. I moved to Arizona in the late 1970's where I was issued my present AJ7O callsign. I work about 90% CW . I've been inactive for the past few years. I just got back on the air in July, 2010 and I'm having a great time mostly on 40 & 15 meter CW and 40 meter AM phone. |