Warren, K7SA, at his comfortable, all-mode operating position |
Big Iron at K7SA: the BC-610I with associatedspeech amp, flanked by the R-388 and SP-600jx. |
Vintage Collection - RX and TX. Top Shelf: Hammarlund HQ-170, Johnson Ranger 1, Ranger 2, Hallicrafters tx. 2nd Shelf: National HRO-60, Collins 32V3, Collins R-388. 3rd Shelf: Collins 75A3, RME 6900, Hammarlund SP-600jx. Bottom Shelf: National NC-300 |
Another view of the Ops Position L-R: Kenwood TS-940, Yaesu FT-1000, FT-1000D, Henry Amp, Kachina transceiver |