K3IAN - Jim
Los Lunas, NM
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Out-of-State AM Page
well packaged rack contains the station equipment for K3IAN. On
top is
a Heathkit HX-10 Marauder SSB/CW transmitter, followed by a Heathkit
DX-100A that is used for AM contacts, and then a pair of
National NC-303 ham-band-only receivers. |
back of the equipment rack shows a neat wire management plan with ample
cooling for the notoriously hot Heathkit transmitters. |
amplifier construction video | This
video details the mechanical construction steps K3IAN took in building
the control section for his 813-based linear amplifier. It is
practically a do-it-yourself instructional in metal-shop technique. |
custom meter-face
video |
Here are Jim's step-by-step instructions in video form for modifying an existing meter to perform a specialized function. Special attention is paid to mechanically overhauling the case and creating the new meter scale. | |