I'm Right Again Dot Com

A new commentary every Wednesday   -  August 12, 2015



I had barely gathered myself from my usual benumbed Sunday siesta—and in turn awakened my slumbering laptop— to learn that "The Donald" still led in the ratings, doubling his lead over all contenders, despite all that occurred last Saturday during the so-called first Fox "News" debate. (I had to think long about which of those last three words projects the greatest irony).

The thought that foreigners, and I do not speak of those undocumented persons living within the corporate limits of the United States; but the folks "offshore" such as in Europe, Asia or Africa, who have been following what is transpiring in what must still be the second or third most powerful nation in the World, and it caused me to convulse in a fit of screaming laughter that caused dogs to bark for miles around.

I first thought of the British. Trump must light up their unique, over-the-top sense of humor. The Donald Show has to be the best thing for them since the Monty Python Series. Imagine a scene where Trump pays his first visit to the Queen Mother and in her dotage she cannot understand his claim of being the "Most Intelligent and Wealthiest Person Ever." (Because she believes she is).

Can you imagine the puzzled reaction of the typical German family as they watch a replay (with American-English subtitles) of the talk-fest on Fox?  "Vas ist los, Papa?" No appreciation for ridiculous behavior whatsoever; the true reason they so fervently embraced a psychotic, failed Austrian artist, street brawler and Jew Hater to ruin multiple millions of other peoples' lives during one entire decade of the past century.

And the French—do they really count anymore in the scheme of things?—reading a headline in La Monde: "UN AUTRE MAL et FOU PRESIDENT AMERICAINE"...or something akin to that. (I'm sure no exact translation is required)

Here's something more amusing: A scene where Putin has called in all of those old Russian WWII generals with so many medals pinned to their chests they can no longer stand erect on the viewing stand, as the rockets with nuclear warheads roll by in review. He poses the question. "What does this mean? What can we expect if this guy gets control of the box with the red button on it?" They would probably discuss giving Crimea back to Ukraine before the possible (?) new Leader of the Free World discovers what's been going on with the Maximum Leader of Mother Russia—The one with delusions of restoring  the USSR to its former glory.

Everyone else, here and abroad on this planet, would not know what to expect next from a person who tells us he has the answer for everything; especially for the erratic rug heads running Iran and the insanely murderous Islamic Whatever. Does he actually believe that he can prevent that whole area from soon becoming a giant, sterile, nuked parking lot the size of Texas, New Mexico and Arizona combined?

This would be the ultimate threat: For President Trump to appoint Dennis Rodman, North Korea's Kim Jong Un's buddy, Secretary of State. Who knows, he might organize a basketball tournament in Tehran, winner take all.

I predict, that within no more than five years, some comic genius such as Will Ferrell or an actor of the versatility of Al Pacino will play Trump in a stage production.  I've already picked the title: "The World Deserves Donald Trump."  It could even be a a musical, later a movie.  Someone like Meryl Streep, who can do a great Polish/German/Russian or Czech accent, could play Ivana. 

-Phil Richardson, Observer of the human condition and storyteller    

PS: I would like to add the name of someone who would have been great in the title role: Italian Dictator Benito Mussolini, circa 1941-1943. But the Italians hanged him and his girl friend (by their heels) a long time ago. Sometimes, it doesn't pay to be too funny.

Phil's current post can be read at:  http://www.imrightagain.com

If you wish to comment, Phil can be reached at:  

k7os (at) comcast (dot) net



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Our unending thanks to Jim Bromley, who programs our Archive of Prior Commentaries

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