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A New Commentary Each Wednesday          July 9, 2014

The Latin American Invasion

    How could anyone dare to compare what is happening on the US-Mexico border to the sack of Rome around the year 400, when the Huns, the Goths and Visigoths, put an end to an empire, until its demise, the largest, most powerful. most successful  international government ever organized, in the ancient world?

    There are some similarities. Driven south and west by mongol hordes from Asia, the germanic Visigoths invaded Italy. Starvation and disease rapidly spread. In 408, The Senate tried to negotiate a truce with gothic leader Alaric, giving him 5,000 pounds of gold and 30,000 pounds of silver. The attempted protection payoff bought only a short respite. A complete sack of Rome occurred on August 24, 410, despite infighting amongst the massive bands of barbarians outside its walls.  Rome was thoroughly sacked and burned, its populace decimated by pillage and rape.

    Well no, the sky is not falling on the United States of America - not yet, but the hordes are beginning to batter at our gates. (We're not going to argue about mixed metaphors are we, with all that's taking place on the border with Mexico?) 

     Dr. Jane Orient, Executive Director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons said, "Other than a political issue, we already have overburdened emergency rooms and a shortage of intravenous solutions for rehydrating people. We're importing, say up to 100,000 people who are susceptible to things like tuberculosis. It affects not only children from Latin America, but anyone with whom they come in contact."

    This layperson feels that too few, if any, of the illegal crossers are being screened for many diseases that have been scarce in the USA for many years, and imunity to them has faded, Until we know otherwise, this writer fears that we are at risk of a multi-dimensional plague. 

    Marine Corps General John Kelly, commander of the U.S. Southern Command, feels even more strongly.  He was quoted as saying, "In comparison to other global threats, the waves of Latin Americans sweeping through Mexico and illegally into the U.S., presents a threat every bit as serious as Iran or North Korea. Many argue these threats are not existential and do not challenge our national security. I disagree." He goes on to say, "Between rampant drug and human trafficking, cartels and gangs that have spread throughout the United States will only grow more dangerous."

    An even more ominious voice: Michael Maloof, a former top U.S. Defense Department official says that that ISIS, the Islamic jihadists who are forming a Sharia government in Syria and Iraq, could use the Mexican border crises to infiltrate America with a WMD.

...Reminds me of an "electronic" book* I wrote a couple of years ago.

    If numerous observers, including this reporter, had not been sounding a drumbeat about how porous our border "fence" is, one would consider Maloof's statement to be beyond the fringe of believability.

    To buttress this possibility, Rob Daniels, a Border Patrol spokesperson reported a coincidental surge in "OTMS" (Other than Mexicans) being caught after crossing the border. "About one in every 10 that we catch, is from a country like Yeman or Egypt," he said.

    Whoa! That sent a chill down my spine like nothing I have experienced since I watched jetliners take down the twin towers.

    So, at this writing, we have Vice President Biden in Latin America offering a potential $161.5 billion to Central American
governments—if they will help stem to the flow of illegal immigrants to the USA.

    Gee, I hope it works better than the bribe the Romans paid to Alaric the Barbarian. In the meantime, I suggest you urge your children to take as many Spanish language courses as possible,

    -Phil Richardson, Observer and Storyteller

*"Water Dream," an Amazon eBook novel in which al-Qaeda operatives smuggle an atomic bomb into the USA. http://www.al-qaedajihad.com

Phil's current post can be read at:  http://www.imrightagain.com

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k7os (at) comcast (dot) net


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