I'm Right Again Dot Com

A new commentary every Wednesday   -  December 24, 2014

Tech Expert Steven Levy refutes what bloggers contend is his Christmas Message.

(Quote) Many people consider that Thanksgiving signals the official kickoff of the holiday season. I now have my own Christmas alert: a steady trickle of emails such as this: "Mr. Levy: I want to personally thank you for having the courage to share this with the world. Outstanding commentary and so true. You hit it right on the money. . . I thank Jesus every day for my life. Thank you again. We need more loving and thoughtful people in this world such as you."

These have been popping up again with increasing frequency in my end-of-year inbox. Some are brief thank-yous. Others come on as if their writers have known me all my life, better than the people who actually know me. All of them are appreciative. And a few wonder whether I am actually the real author of "The War on Christmas."

  The Answer is "no."

 Even though the message describes the writer as the tech journalist Steven Levy. Even though untold thousands have shared a version via email that is accompanied by my old Wikipedia picture.  No, I did not go on CBS Sunday Morning to express my rage at the White House for calling its annual fir a “holiday tree.” I did not say, “I don’t like getting pushed around for being a Jew and I don’t think Christians like getting pushed around for being Christians. I did not contend that the Founding Fathers embraced the concept of Christian doctrine in public schools. I did not launch an attack on (the late) Madeline Murray O’Hare in particular, and atheists in general, for opposing prayer in schools. Nor did I imply that she had what was coming to her when she was murdered. I did not impugn Doctor Spock for telling people not to spank their children, and I certainly don’t think that his son committed suicide because of insufficient corporal punishment. Nor do I think that if we hit our kids more often and more lustily, the murder rate would drop. In short, I had nothing to do with this, although in the minds of I don’t know how many people, and I suspect it’s a lot, I have everything to do with it."  - Steven Levy  (end quote) 

(The original commentary, now amended and edited profusely by plagiarists of one political bent or another, was first written and voiced by wry commentator and actor, Ben Stein, of Murine eye balm fame,  several years go.  Plagiarism is causing distrust of everything read on the Internet. One is forced to ask: "For what purpose?" ) - Editor

-Phil Richardson, Observer and Story Teller.

Merry Christmas!

Phil's current post can be read at:  http://www.imrightagain.com

If you wish to comment, Phil can be reached at:  

k7os (at) comcast (dot) net


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