I'm right again dot com

An Unincorporated Division of The Anonymous Anything Society   September 9, 2013

A proposal regarding Syria

It is presumptuous for the writer to say that something beneficial may come out of doing this essay, considering my modest experience and tiny audience, but I have to express what I believe, no matter how widely this is read or acted upon. 

My only credentials: More than 86 years of close observation of the human condition. 

We should tell the governments of Muslim populations that we are sure that they are fully capable of solving the problem of the Syrian civil war themselves and that they have more than enough human and financial resources to do so, even though it will demand a long, bloody, costly slog. 

America should inform the Arab League, the United Arab Emirates and the wealthy Sheikhs of Abu Dhabi that this is their problem - in their backyards. 

We salvaged the fortunes and personal freedom of the Kuwaitis. They've enormous wealth, capable of financing a victorious war aimed at toppling Assad.

Desert Storm kept the Saudi oil wells from being seized by Saddam Hussein and we have helped the Saudi Princes gain one of the finest jet fighter forces in the world, as well as on the ground defenses against attack by aircraft or missiles. It's payback time for them as well.  

What of the beneficiaries of the "Arab Spring," beginning with the Libyans? Should they not want to help the Syrian revolutionaries since we helped them gain their freedom from the mad despot Ghaddafi? 

Then, there is Egypt and its powerful military upon whom we have lavished billions of dollars. Certainly they could make a major contribution of troops, if not munitions. 

We cannot expect much from Lebanon, due to the interference by the Iran backed Hezbolla fanatics under the thrall of Iran,  nor from the King of Jordan, a country being overwhelmed by the refugee Syrians. However, a token force from each would help convey a sense of unity within the Arab League. 

On one side of the Syrian border there is Turkey, with a huge, well-equipped army. They are immediately threatened by a Syrian government equipped with an ever-growing supply of Russian arms and willingness to use gas as a weapon of mass destruction. 

On the other side is Iraq, followed by Afghanistan. Yes, they can barely govern themselves, but they should each be able to field a sizeable contingent of troops, already equipped and trained by we American taxpayers. 

Nations made up of hugely predominating populations of Muslims, including Pakistan and Indonesia, could make major contributions to a liberating army in Syria.  

 The Assad regime is estimated to have 280,000 soldiers in uniform with at least 200,000 more in reserve. Defeating such a well equipped, trained force demands that there has to be a sustained maximum effort by a combined force of comparable size. This would constitute a tiny percentage of the vast populations of adult Muslims touched upon above. 

It ought to be left to the Muslim world to decide whether they can exist with a neighbor who is slaughtering his own people with absolute disregard for any civilized norm. 

I wonder what the Khoran has to say about this?

I've received numerous comments about the sacrifice made by American dead and wounded as a result of the wars America has fought in the last decade in the Middle East. I will publish many of them soon. But first, all who oppose American intervention in Syria should immediately make their feelings known to their Senators and Congressional Delegates today. 

Philip Richardson, Observer and Storyteller

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If you wish to comment, Phil can be reached at:  

k7os (at) comcast (dot) net

My thanks to Jim Bromley for providing an ARCHIVE of prior blogs.
