I'm right again dot com

An Unincorporated Division of The Anonymous Anything Society



I've a modest budgetary consideration. It has to do with the $50-billion that American taxpayers give to their Federal Government to transfer to other governments, hardly without audit or restraint. We are told that our tax dollars are being sent for a grand purpose. A new phrase has entered the lexicon: Nation Building. 

As an aside, we Americans also support both corporate and private voluntary giving as well as educational and religious organizations in providing another $70-billion annually to fight pestilence and poverty all over the world. 

For 145 years, there was no such thing as "Foreign Aid" by Americans. It all began with aid to starving people in devastated Belgium during World War I. Then, in 1921, our Government appropriated 20-million dollars for the American Relief Administration. After World War II, the United States contributed about $1.9-billion altogether to the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration. 

Then, like the Green Slime that invaded a interplanetary space ship, the basis of a Science-Fiction film,  it just grew and grew. 

In fiscal year 2011, we gave away $49.5-billion dollars to more than 180 countries. 

The most startling fact is that we are giving billions of dollars every year to some of the world's richest countries, some of which hold billions of dollars in  U.S. Treasury Bonds. Why are we giving China $27.2-million in Foreign Aid when they hold $1.1-Trillion in U.S. Treasury Bonds? India got $129-million, Brazil received $25-million, and Russia, which holds $127.8-million in our Treasury Bonds, received $71.5-million dollars of U.S. Foreign Aid.

What are we accomplishing by maintaining this gigantic giveaway?

It's not just the principle of the thing - it's the money. 


Phil Richardson, Observer and Storyteller.

Phil's current post can be read at:  http://www.imrightagain.com

If you wish to comment, Phil can be reached at:   k7os (at) msn (dot) com